By the time that Mom and Dad arrived, Gwen was her normal pasty-white self but still noticeably laboring through the aforementioned congestion as she attempted to breathe. Since she was having obvious problems but was no longer in immediate distress, we took her back to her pediatrician. She checked Gwen out and said that while her vitals were all fine and her lungs sounded normal, today's breathing issues combined with her history as well as the sleep study results from last week made her feel as though the best thing would be to readmit Gwen back to the hospital.
Again, while it is far from the final result we want and we still pray it isn't ultimately necessary, we felt the biggest issue on the topic of Gwen having a tracheotomy wasn't just the procedure itself. Our apprehension also lied with the neglect to show us that all the other avenues truly had been exhausted and that it was something really needed for Gwendolyn. Unfortunately, we're coming more and more to terms with the fact that Gwen's breathing isn't just slightly off kilter as we initially felt. Instead, it is significantly constricted enough that she's having issues both at night (as the sleep study suggested) and now during the day while she's awake and coherent. The source of that is still something we hope can be found and fixed without a trach being necessary. And the congestion, no matter if it is the cause of these breathing limitations or not, is also something that we hope will be solved thanks to this stay as well.