Monday, August 2, 2010

August Already?

Wow, time does fly by indeed... We can't believe its August already. We had a busy weekend without accomplishing much again. On Saturday, Braelyn and Gwendolyn attended Cousin Madison's fourth birthday party. Then on Sunday, it was off to Grandma McKee's for our traditional family meal. In between, Dad tackled the yard while Mom cleaned house… Unfortunately a mere 24 hours later, neither looks like it’s been touched in months. Oh well!

We wish we could share some really unique activity we tackled but unfortunately it was more of the same for the Castellanos... That is unless you count the fact that the girls now have hair that's long enough to be put in pigtails (a favorite hairstyle of Dad's)!

Hairdo's aside, the twins are doing well. Gwendolyn's vocabulary is continuing to expand each day. She and Braelyn often break out into a "baby babble" conversation now. It is great to see the girls interact more and more especially with The Gwenner catching up to her older sister developmentally. They are pretty cute when they have a “play session” and then start talking back-and-forth to one another.

At one stage of the weekend, Mom snapped the above photo of Braelyn. Dad's decided that our little contortionist might have a future in gymnastics… What do you think? If nothing else, she picked quite the precarious position to fall asleep in. That's our little Brae Bear!!!

Well, we'd better go. Have a good week one and all...

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