Friday, October 8, 2010

A Bonus Post with a Funny Friday Photo

Yep, it’s a bonus post this week that just couldn’t wait. Here’s the background… When our photographer, Beth, was editing the shots from last weekend’s grandparents session with the twins, she came across this one and immediately sent it on to us. Honestly, this picture is probably going to be funnier to those that have been around the girls before and know their personalities… But we still HAD to share it with you all. What do you think?

As you might remember, Braelyn has already become quite the passionate individual. (That must be the combination of Italian and Irish in her!) Typically, when she sees her sister, she gets so overwhelmed with excitement that she’ll let out a shrill and then rather vigorously try to give Gwen hugs and kisses… It’s all a pretty cute series of events.

Well, we suppose it is probably cute to everyone except for poor Gwendolyn. You see, while she’s made tremendous strides in her stability thanks to physical therapy, Gwen still doesn’t have quite the same level of body strength that her sister does - especially in her southern hemisphere. So, usually when Braelyn reaches in to give Gwen this typical head-lock styled hug, the scene captured in this photo will inevitably play out.

That’s why you might notice in Gwen’s facial expression that she’s already bracing for the fall… Been there, done that we suppose!

And the kicker to it all just might be that even with her sister in the middle of a freefall she unintentionally induced, Braelyn’s still sure to pause, turn, and mug for the camera.

At least we know that Gwendolyn will be a pro at “Ring Around the Rosie” (or at least the “we all fall down” part) when she gets to school.

You’ve got to love those wacky Castellano girls!!!


  1. Cutest thing I've seen all day!!

  2. Yes, they do look soooo adorable! You really can't help smiling when you see it :) And we loved all the Birthday pictures too! Thank you so much for posting them.
    Love you all...Aunt Toni and Uncle Gary

  3. So cute!
    Certainly brought a smile to my face!
