Saturday, November 27, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

Wow... Has it REALLY been a week since our last post?

Um, we have no idea how that happened! Our apologizes... BAD BLOGGERS!!!

Somewhere in the midst of preparing for Thanksgiving, we forgot about blogging. At least our last photo was of the girls in their Thanksgiving headdresses... So we hope it helped keep you all in the proper holiday mindset during our absence.

Speaking of Turkey Day, we had a fabulous holiday indeed!!! Grandma McKee invited everyone over to her house. Uncle Kyle fried up our Thomas for us all as Braelyn and Gwendolyn celebrated not only with their McKee relatives but also their Castellano Grandparents, Uncle Rich, Auntie Shannon, and cousin Ava (collectively known as "Hurricane Castellano" around these parts). Yep, it was a lot of people gathered around the table but everyone really enjoyed themselves.

Better yet, since Dad had to work the Plaza Lighting Ceremony that night, he hauled Mom as well as the Aunts and Uncles with him. So, the girls got some extra TLC with Nana and Poppa and Grandma McKee watched her other set of granddaughters. It all resulted in the rest of the adults enjoying the this iconic Kansas City tradition. As you'll see in a little bit, we think the "grownups" had a good time even if we can't properly describe it!

And ever since "Hurricane Castellano" touched down, its been a whirlwind of activity surrounding Thanksgiving Day. So again, we apologize for the neglect. However, in the spirit of the season, we come bearing gifts. Unfortunately, our version of thanks doesn't involved the same feast indulged by the Wampanoag Indians and Pilgrims. (You do know there was a bunch of lobster consumed that first Thanksgiving, right? Yeah, well none of that fancy stuff can be found anywhere near this blog entry, much to mom's chagrin.) Still, we hope you enjoy it all the same.

Below is a sampling of photos documenting the twins' Thanksgiving Week activities... Our first together without a trip to Children's Mercy Hospital on the docket (Yes, this year's Thanksgiving dinner blew away the one Mom and Dad ate in the hospital cafeteria last year on many levels). Enjoy because we certainly did!!!

Grandma McKee shares a Thanksgiving smile with Gwendolyn and Braelyn

What do you get when you mix the girls' mother and aunts with a balloon artist at the Plaza Lighting Ceremony? We can't even begin to describe it...

Poppa and Ava are ready for the Turkey to be served

Nana seems to be corralled in "The Community" by a trio of Castellano granddaughters

Uncle Rich hangs with the twins

Dad and his Mini-Me (a.k.a. Braelyn McKee)

Mom helps Gwendolyn open an early Christmas gift even if she isn't in the spirit of the season

Time to pose for Nana & Poppa's holiday card picture... Everyone say cheese!

Since we won't see them again before Christmas, we had a "Castellano Christmas" and Poppa loved the new shirt from his favorite Kansas City eatery.

Nana gets some help from The Gwenner opening her early Christmas gift

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