Monday, April 4, 2011

Baby You Can Drive My Car

We promised an update on Gwendolyn’s new braces. Unfortunately, her initial P.T. session with them got postponed but instead of flaking out, we decided to still show you a little bit of what Gwendolyn can do with them.

Firstly, this is a look at one of the new braces outside of her shoe. Not pictured is the hard plastic "boot" that wraps around her foot and slides on top of the brace's sole.

It’s just amazing to us that something this simple can be so useful.

Needless to say, Gwen seems to thoroughly enjoy them. We took this photo of her in action and you can see that they hug her shins, ending just below the kneecap. So far she seems more stable than she did in the past and to needs to exert less energy to stand. She even seems to not struggle as much when we assist her in taking “steps.”

Braelyn has begun channeling her inner tomboy of late. She has become fixated with toy cars of all types and sizes. At daycare her favorite things to do seem to be reading books in her own unique babble and playing with Matchbox cars. So, Mom purchased her a set to play with this weekend. This isn’t the world’s best photo by any means but we decided to include because not only is it documenting her playing with her new cars but it shows her doing so while wearing a hat that provided quite a lot of humor in the Castellano household over the weekend.


Brae became so attached to her latest treasures that she not only went to bed with one of her new cars last night but upon awaking this morning was heard repeatedly playing with it instead of whining to get out of her crib for us to collect her.

The girls did take advantage of the nice weekend weather, which has quickly dissipated might we add, at the playground this weekend. Gwen wore her new braces out and really seemed to have a great time. She gravitated to a little "spring" car on one corner of the playground. It afforded her the opportunity to sit somewhat enclosed as she held onto the handle and kept it bouncing back and forth.

Braelyn on the other hand continued to channel her inner tomboy as she took immense pleasure in getting dirty. Soon after we arrived, she began digging up the landscaping rocks with a sand shovel and shrilled with excitement as she then dumped them back into the ground.

Ah, the simple pleasures of childhood!!!


  1. Adorable, and the braces are awesome!

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