Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Life 'Aint Always a Picnic... So Says the Hulk

For the most part, we've had a (welcomed) mundane go of things since we arrived back in town from Florida.

Braelyn continues to straddle the line between tomboy and girly girl. One minute she's playing demolition derby with her cars and the next she's comforting her baby dolls. (Dad's still working on turning her into a baseball fan... No luck yet.)

And Gwendolyn continues to bridge the gap between her physical abilities and that of her sister. In fact, the P.T. exclaimed during last week's session that he's seen a considerable upswing in her ability these three weeks she's been getting aqua therapy.

However, once again as we started to feel as though we're hitting our stride, life tends to remind us that it's not always a picnic.

Yesterday, Mom was unloading the girls from a quick errand and heading back inside from the garage. For some reason, Gwen became upset and started crying uncontrollably. Unfortunately, whatever triggered it must have really upset her because she was soon holding her breath... Then she stopped breathing altogether and turned blue... Then she went pale and limp.

Fortunately, Heather was able to keep her wits about her. First, she tried some of the old standbys (while Gwen's only reached a point like this just one time before, she's also been known to hold her breath for a momentary second or two during a particularly hard cry every now and then) such as blowing in her face and rubbing her chest. Quickly, she realized that wasn't working. So, she started CPR.

Luckily, after Mom blew air into her mouth a couple of times, Gwen let out a big exhale. Within a minute, she was her normal smiling self. And of course, she hasn't had an issue since.

As Dr. Banner used to exclaim on the old CBS series The Incredible Hulk (Yes, Dad used to LOVE that show as a child so no comments from the peanut gallery!): "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

Yep... Mom and Dad hear you loud and clear Gwendolyn!!!


  1. So glad your mom kept her wits about her and everything was ok!

  2. Wow, Heather! I can only imagine how scary that was but I'm glad you were quick on your feet. I'm heart is racing just thinking about it. Oh Gwen girl! She certainly likes to keep things interesting, huh?

  3. Oh my goodness you guys! How scary! Heather--you a superwoman.
