Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monkeying Around

Wow, we can't believe that Labor Day is already come and gone. For some reason time seems to be moving quicker and quicker. Maybe that's because we are just trying to keep up with Braelyn and Gwendolyn?!?!?!

We took full advantage of the great weather this past weekend for some outdoor activities. Mom had purchased tickets for her and Dad to watch the Jayhawks opener as a birthday gift. Outside of a little rain to start things off, it was a glorious time... Kansas even won! (which is saying something unfortunately)

Yesterday, the girls had some time outside in their Cosy Coupes. Now that we have two coupes, you would think that the fighting over these cars has subsided, which it has to a certain extent. However, Braelyn still took the opportunity on a few occasions to get out of her car, open the door to Gwendolyn's and ask her to get "up, please."

However, the funniest interaction came between the Gwenner and Mom when it was time to head back inside. Each time, Mom would open the door to her car and tell Gwen it was time to go inside but Gwen's response was to merely close to car's door and laugh... That is until Gwen was forcibly taken from her coupe, which you can imagine wasn't meet with much delight.

We also got the girls ready for their birthday by trying out some new hats that Mom found for them. If you couldn't tell, their second birthday party will have a monkey theme... How fitting is that? (And how are we already preparing for a second birthday... Talk about time flying!!!)

On the health front, Gwendolyn had an in-home assessment by an O.T. over the weekend. In true form, Gwen exhibited her "stranger, danger" approach. However, she is getting better. In the past, when a new individual came to the house she would NEVER make eye contact... Kind of a "If I can't see you, You can't see me" approach. This time, while she was still skittish, she was interacting with the help of Mom's inclusion.

The best news is that it seems Gwen won't be requiring her regular multi-week visits from O.T. as she did before when she wasn't able to take fluids by moth. Now that she's gained more and more strength, she's doing better and better with her swallowing. So, moving forward she's just going to get a visit once a month as she's nearly caught up to the development thresholds that she should be at in her development.

So we guess that's you update on the Castellanos for now... Talk to you all soon!!!


  1. Those girls are just too cute, and wow, time does fly! I can't believe they are amost two! YEAH on Gwen meeting her milestones!!!

  2. Heather and Chuck:

    WOW..the twins turning two soon. Time does go by all too quickly.

    Great news about Gwen...Liz
