Mom and Dad decided to bring Braelyn and Gwendolyn to the pumpkin patch this weekend. In fact, we convinced Grandma McKee to come along too. It really was an enjoyable visit and one that once again gave us quite an education (by "us" we really mean "Dad").You see, there are some things that transpire and all you can do is shrug and chalk up to a life lesson. For Dad, here's a quick hit list that he learned this weekend:
1) Just because they say that the pig race will start at the top of the hour, it doesn't mean they actually begin the race then. There's apparently an elongated program that proceeds the swines making an appearance. It isn't nearly as entertaining as Dora (or so I'm told) and that renders two-year olds cranky. You can only exclaim "Oh, here come the pigs!" unsuccessfully so many time before your children are pretty sure you are a flat-out liar. Save yourself the headache and enjoy the sights on the farm for another 30 minutes. Oh yeah, as a special note remember that a pig race only last a few seconds!
2) Wet grass (or any type of wetness for that matter) and Braelyn are not fast friends. In fact, once she gets her knees wet, she'll spend the rest of the time pointing in disgust at them until her pants dry. (Side note: Don't let the kids get too dirty on Dad's watch... Unless the Dad in question is in charge of the laundry duties... Sadly, this Dad isn't!)
3) Children LOVE petting zoos... and they sure aren't thrilled to leave when it's time. (BTW, petting zoos with slides for exits are particularly exciting for little girls).
4) The only thing Braelyn loves more than petting zoos is a playground and she REALLY doesn't like to leave them when it's time.
5) Gwendolyn Marie would have been content even if she was on the deck of the Titanic as it sunk into the ocean. For the majority of the day, she sat in her stroller with her hands folded wearing a big smile across her face... That is until she saw the donkey at the petting zoo. That elicited an excited "There it is!!!" as her finger excitedly jetted in the donkey's general direction. (We still aren't sure why, of all the animals she saw, the donkey was the day's big winner. For his part, the donkey stuck out his tongue in her direction. Other than that and an occasional tail-swat at the flies, the donkey was pretty lifeless.)
6) Pay attention because this is the most important lesson from the weekend! Children are the most special of gifts. Each and every time you think you've got them figured out, you get turned on your head and start to realize that you aren't as smart as you once thought you were.
Enough about the pumpkin patch. As most of you likely remember, October is Spina Bifida Awareness Month. Just like last year, our friend Cassie, who pens the "Beyond Measure" blog, has taken the opportunity to spotlight some very special kiddos throughout the month. This past weekend, it was Gwendolyn's turn. I encourage you to click here and look at the entry... Mom added a narrative with The Gwenner's photo that still makes Dad misty every time he looks it over!!! And if you don't regularly pop in to read the outstanding job Cassie does with "Beyond Measure" we highly recommend it. Her family has been an inspiration to the Castellanos and their little Caleb is one of the reasons Mom and Dad knew we'd be able to figure things out when Gwendolyn was born!
Okay so I was giggling throughout this post until you got all sappy on me and said such kind words about me and Caleb...then I got all teary eyed. Much love to the Castellano Family!