Monday, December 19, 2011

A Busy Weekend of Tears and Smiles

Braelyn and Gwendolyn had quite a busy weekend.

It began on Friday evening as Nana came for a holiday visit from Florida. The girls were instantly excited for obvious reasons... Although one of the least obvious was because it meant that there was one more person on hand to read them books.

Poor Santa's going to get a complex soon

Before Nana arrived, the twins decided to give their good buddy Santa another go at the holiday party Dad's work threw... And predictably, things did go much differently than they had in the past. Here's hoping that he doesn't take it personally next weekend!

On Saturday, we celebrated our McKee Christmas. It began with breakfast at Grandma McKee's. After that, the girls joined their cousins at Build-A-Bear for a holiday treat complements of grandma.

Braelyn picked out a pink Hello Kitty as her plushy of choice while Gwendolyn went after a "Happy Feet" penguin with a light up bow tie.

Grandma McKee helps dress Braelyn's new Kitty

Gwendolyn loves her new penguin
After a brief pit stop for some Zzzzzzzzzzs, we went back to Grandma McKee's for our holiday dinner and (most importantly) to open gifts. Pretty much everything they received was a hit... Especially the toy blender (which Braelyn immediately used to "blend" her sister's arm with) and toaster for the girls' play kitchen.

Now how can I turn this blender into a weapon?

Mmmmmm... Toast
Well, we'd better get going... There's still a lot of tasks that we've got to get taken care of before next weekend.

Talk to you soon.

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