Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Playground Paradise

Braelyn & Gwendolyn joined their cousins over the weekend and took advantage of our warm winter. Together, they went to a local park and toiled on the playground until they were all spent.

Gwendolyn set quite a precedent for herself on the day. It was one of her first times out and about in her walker. It was great to see her walking around the park and realizing that she was doing what so many other boys and girls were. She continually would stop and just look around with big smile on her face as she made her way from the car down to the dock to feed the ducks and then joined everyone else on the playground. While there, she crawled up the climbing wall (with some help from Mom) before going down the slide.

Speaking of the slide, Braelyn wore a hole in it because she went down it so much. She kept running up the steps and sliding down, then repetitively started it all over again. Each time, she'd finish sliding with a hearty giggle before sprinting to the steps so she could do it all over again.

They are both getting so big. To that end, they are each continuing to challenge limits. So much so that Braelyn often goes over the line and inevitably puts herself in the corner as a punishment… So, maybe that whole “timeout” thing isn’t quite a concept she can understand just yet.

Oh well... We'll take the self-discipline for now.

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