Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jumparoo Love & An Angelic Thanks

***DISCLAIMER: There is no truth to the rumor that we had to immediately put up this post so that we could show off another photo... We swear! ;)***

We forgot to mention in today's initial post that we received a Jumparoo in a delivery over the holidays. Unfortunately, it didn't have any information included as to whom it was sent by. So, while we aren't for sure the individual(s) that we should thank, we wanted to be sure and put it out there so that you didn't think of us as ungrateful. In fact, Mom has been on Dad's case for a while to purchase one for the girls so it was a great buy for the Castellanos indeed!!!

Feel free to write us a comment to this post if you sent the Jumparoo our way so that we can offer a more proper note of thanks!

And while we are on the topic of gratitude... It seems that the girls have a guardian angel out there (or maybe it's a group of angels, we're not entirely sure). This cherub has given our girls the gift of “Sunshine.” We appreciate your desire to remain anonymous but wanted to thank you so very much for the kindness you’ve bestowed upon us... We can't even begin to properly express our appreciation!


  1. Look at those sweet little babies with their beautiful mother. A new year just doesn't start off any better than that! Congratulations on having everyone home where they belong. B & G couldn't ask for cooler parents. All the best from Atlanta to ALL the Castellano's. Fondly, Michele Rush

  2. Heather, this picture is awesome! Also, I have Jumperoo ENVY. We have the bounciest kid in the world, and no doorway in our home that would be convenient for a jumpy-toy. It sounds like lovely things are happening for your family, and I only know that whatever is going on, you are certainly ALL very deserving of this joy.
    Love you all -
    Steph and Rance
    PS It is still our plan to drop in tomorrow! I will text you guys first! :)

  3. This is an awesome "Mother and Daughters" photo. (Gotta love those jeans!)
    Grandma "M"
