Friday, January 29, 2010

Smiles All Around

Today we had the latest in our visits to the O.T. to chart Gwendolyn’s progress feeding via a bottle. Things went marvelously. Through the past two weeks, our trial run of 1-2 bottles a day with an ounce of thickened milk went very smoothly. So, this time we tried Gwen on a full feed, 100 milliliters, thickened. She downed that feeding without incident. Ergo, we have now graduated to five bottle feeds a day with a similar 100 milliliter bottle thickened to honey consistency. As a result, the overnight continuous feed will only need to run for seven hours as opposed to the nine that it has been.

The other VERY positive news is that Gwen went from the third percentile two weeks ago to the 50th. So, not only has she been doing well with oral feeds but she’s got her weight back up to where it should be. So, now we don’t have to worry about being as aggressive with increasing her feed amounts each week… we’re a little closer to letting nature tell us when she needs her feed volumes increased.

Anyway, the photo at the top of the blog is from this afternoon’s feed. Excuse us for being this excited over a silly little picture of a baby and her bottle but this is the first full-feed Gwen’s had in a bottle since the beginning of November.

Talk to you all soon.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma M can't wait to feed Gwen with the bottle instead of setting up the tube feeding. Can't believe those two are 4 months old already!
