Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Looks like we just uncovered the real reason that Gwen is taking longer than anticipated to heal up… She was just waiting for her old pal the frog mobile to make a reappearance.

Mom reports that Gwen spent an hour cooing at her long-lost illuminated green buddy after the mobile was installed on her hospital crib.

Now that’s a girl that knows what she likes!!!


On a serious note, Gwen's been off oxygen for about an hour and seems to be doing okay... Not fantastic mind you but she is keeping her oxygen-blood percentage in the low 90s and upper 80s. Hopefully that trend will get better throughout the rest of today and we can get it up to the 100 threshold on a consistent basis. As you can see a little more clearly from the picture below, Gwendolyn really is starting to look more and more like her old self as the swelling in her face begins to subside. Better yet, we think that just set a blog record for the most consecutive photos of Gwen without a headband accessory. It's a pleasure to not need that thing holding the pins close to her head anymore!!!


  1. You guys really do have the cutest two little girls ever! LOVE the cheeks! I think Braelyn's are catching up (in a few of the photos below). :) So glad to hear Gwen is recovering nicely. I will say prayers and keep fingers crossed for discharge tomorrow!
    love--brad & tracy graham and boys

  2. It's amazing....even with all that's going on, little Gwen has made yet another friend (the frog). She looks so entranced by her new friend. That girls deserves a little entertainment. As always....I pray that Gwen recovers quickly, your family is returned to one location ASAP and that the beautiful Castellano girls stay happy and healthy!

    Take care of yourselves and you are in our thoughts and prayers!

    Love ya!
    Erin and Joe
