Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Calm Before The Storm

Yesterday was quite the busy day for us. Gwendolyn had her final hospital check-up (and a couple of other consultations) before her jaw surgery takes place later this month. After that, her and Braelyn had their four-month shots on tap. As you might tell from Gwen’s expression above, that photo was taken minutes BEFORE the immunization shots were administered at the pediatrician’s office. (If the poor thing only knew what was about to transpire).

Before we get into that afternoon baby terror, let’s give a quick recap on Gwendolyn’s morning hospital extravaganza. She received nothing but praise for her progress. X-rays showed that the new bone growth in her jaw had almost finished to fill in and should be complete by the time the extender devices are removed. Speaking of which, they bumped her back a day so now she won’t go in until February 23rd for that procedure (but as we’ve learned before, you never know for sure until you are there that day that the surgery will take place as scheduled). The nutritionist also saw Gwenner and gave us the okay to discontinue her overnight pump feedings. So, she is on a normal baby feeding schedule where she gets all her nourishment via bottles (although they are still thickened to the consistency of honey). So, the good news there is that Gwen continues to inch closer to the median of development.

As for the fourth-month checkup for the girls, we also received positive news there. The stats are kind of boring but for those keeping track, Braelyn fell between the third and tenth percentile while Gwen was in the tenth to twenty-fifth percentile. Overall, Braelyn was 22.25 inches long, weighted 11 pounds 2 ounces and had a head circumference of 39.5 centimeters. Gwen was 23 inches long, weighted 12 pounds 2 ounces and had a head circumference of 41 centimeters. As has been the case since birth, Gwen is a little more of a chunk than her “older sister” but the gap continues to narrow. While they are both still overall small compared to their peers, the girls are continuing to progress very consistently on the growth curve chart. In fact, we found out earlier in the day when we conferred with the nutritionist at the hospital that Gwen had grown a full centimeter in length and packed on a half-pound of weight in just the last week alone. Needless to say, Gwen apparently inherited more than just the “Castellano nose!” It seems she also has her daddy’s appetite too!

As for the post-shot fallout, it was something we won’t forget soon… (Referring back to the above photo) Braelyn, who is far from the binky-addict that her sister is, almost seemed to sense something was afoot as she clinched her gums tight against her pink friend while Gwen was carefree and giggly. Funny, but the vaccination aftermath played out the way you’d anticipate given their respective expressions… Gwen whined a little but was fine after a minute or so while our little Brae Bare screamed so hard and for so long that the doctor came back into the room and examined her thinking she was having an adverse reaction. Nope… she was just telling us she didn’t like those three needles one bit.

It actually caused Dad to cry a little bit as he thought about the situation in the car ride home… he still swears that Braelyn thinks he administered those shots himself since he was the one tasked with holding and comforting her after it was all done.

Maybe the guilt was just Braelyn’s way of giving Daddy some payback for all those blog laughs at her expense!


Until later friends!

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