Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Double Take

You know how early on in our journey Dad was trumpeting the likenesses between Gwendolyn and himself? Well, apparently he forgot about the old adage that most babies tend to look alike.

Now inching toward 17-months of age, it has become abundantly clear that Gwendolyn certainly takes more after her mother’s side of the family than dear old dad’s. Not convinced? Check out this comparison between Gwendolyn and her cousin, Madison, at about the same age:

Yep, there’s no denying that those two look separated at birth… They are unbelievably similar. In fact, Maddie's sister is also a near replication of The Gwenner.

Moving onto the here and now, after yet another snow day, the girls (and of course Mom) are back in the regular routine. We figure at this point Mom will be making up these lost snow days until about Independence Day!

For those of you in the “SB” community that hadn’t seen (and are interested in it), there was some news of note in today’s Wall Street Journal. We can't take credit for finding it because a friend informed us it was there... Let's just say we don't frequent the pages of the WSJ. Anyway, the article recants a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine regarding Spina Bifida fetal surgery, you can read it by clicking here.

Not to be lost in the shuffle, Braelyn’s still doing fine. She has been getting a little finicky with her food. Unfortunately for her, that’s becoming one of the few things she doesn’t share with Dad (more on that in a later post).

Great news here in KC… Temperatures in the 50s this weekend… We can’t wait to thaw out!!!

1 comment:

  1. I saw that article on MSN yesterday, and wondered what you thought. Bring on the warmer temps and please take away all of our nasty winter colds and cold germs! :) Love you guys, hope to see you again soon.
