Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Out of my way, Mom… I’m on the move!

Wow, the days just keep flying by of late!

Not a lot to update you all on but the little that we do have is BIG news (or at least we think it is). Ms. Gwendolyn is once again continuing to break milestones. We’ve talked before about her standing ability. Well, as you can see in the following photo, she’s even got so comfortable being upright that there’s no strain on her face and she only needs to lightly bracing herself with one hand (speaking of braces, she does have them on under her pants... we promise). But the big news came during her first physical therapy session this week. Gwen surprised both Mom and her P.T. by realizing that she can scoot backwards on our laminate floors. As the two adults were tending to some maintenance on Gwen’s stander (which by the way seems the most obvious tool that’s strengthened her legs to this level) Mom’s peripheral vision noticed that Gwen was on the move trying to reach a favorite toy of hers. Needless to say, it was an exciting revelation for everyone there. Hopefully, it’s the first in many ways she will learn to get around.

Braelyn is also still not about to be left out of any activities… Below is a photo of her tending to her sister’s appearance. Yep, that’s the same comb that Gwen has clutched in her free hand in the initial picture of this post. It’s still amazing to us parents how something as simple as a comb can become a treasured toy! Trust us, you don’t want to take the comb or spray bottle out of their hands in the morning when it comes time to fix their hair… You’d think you just stole their best friend or something by the cries that ensue!!!

Well, that’s about it for now. Today’s big activity for The Gwenner is in preparation for her head MRI next month. She’s off to get a physical so the anesthesiologist is sure to administer the proper dosage during that scan. Brae Bear will get some more Grandma McKee time while Gwen and Daddy are waiting for hours to be seen at the pediatrician’s office (if the past is any indication that is)!


Talk to you all soon!

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