Friday, May 6, 2011

Turning a Corner of Sorts?

We've touched on Braelyn's finicky eating before in the blog. Basically, if it's a veggie then no worries, its a goner. If it's meat, you've got no chance - outside of maybe hiding it inside some bread - that it'll be consumed... And speaking of carbs like bread and pasta, well those are hit-or-miss for Ms. Braelyn.

However, it seems as though maybe, just maybe, Braelyn's seen the light. Apparently all it took was reinforcing that she needs to use a fork when she eats. For some reason, Braelyn's always been pretty sensitive to texture. You might remember that when she turned one, she started flipping out because she didn't like the way her cake's icing felt on her fingers one bit. Well, it seems as though the same goes for proteins (minus eggs of course, which have always been a favorite of hers). No matter if we are taking beans, chicken, beef, pork or some other meaty concoction, she would hardly EVER pick up those morsels and place them in her mouth voluntarily. But recently, we've been more proactive with her using a fork while she eats. We were astonished when she began voluntarily stabbing pieces of meatballs and eating them without fuss. So the next night we tried chicken tenders... Same thing. So far, so good.

So, as you can see, Braelyn has gone from a cautionary tale to a near culinary wizard... Okay, maybe we shouldn't go too overboard!

As for Gwendolyn, she too seems to be turning a corner when it comes to food. As we mentioned before, her eating habits typically resembled something you'd see around a farm trough. Basically, once you put a meal on her highchair tray, you'd better not attempt to move it before she's finished consuming it. Well, Gwendolyn might finally be beginning to learn what the term "moderation" means. Lately, she's begun to tell us when she's full through sign language. So, now the only time she typically throws a fit in her highchair is in the mornings when Mom's putting her hair in her pigtails... Who knows, perhaps this too shall pass.

Yep, the Castellano girls are progressing along nicely when it comes to meal time. Now if Dad too could only find the meaning of the term "moderation." We'd REALLY be onto something then!!!


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