Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Busy Times Continue

So much for "down time" during our summer. Braelyn and Gwendolyn have kept Mom and Dad on the hop of late (as evidence by yet another tardy post... our apologises!).

Unfortunately, over the weekend Ms. Gwendolyn Marie wasn't her normal self. She was very tired, not eating her regular amount at meals and often irritable. We took her to the pediatrician and found out that she has contracted yet another urinary track infection. For those keeping track, that's four thus far in 2011 (although this is her first one in the last few months since she started using her "pottie"). Still, we might be getting to the stage where she needs a catheter plan to eliminate her propensity for getting UTIs. She isn't slated to see Urology again until her next clinic visit in October. With such a large gap between then and now, we are going to call them this week with an update just in case they want to see her prior to that time.

Gwendolyn also scraped up her foot last week playing. So, the resulting wound made getting into her braces and stander a difficult proposition. However, now that a proper scab has formed, she'd getting back in the swing of things. Prior to her foot situation, she visited a friend around her age that also has SB. While there, she test drove her friend's walker and enjoyed it quite a bit (as you can see above). So, we are looking into getting one for her now.

Our little Gwenner also starts her aqua therapy this week. Earlier this month, she had her preliminary visit at the hospital to meet her new P.T. (good news, she didn't cry as soon as she met him) and set her baseline. The therapist was pleased with Gwen's standing ability and the hope is even if her time in the pool doesn't result in Gwen taking steps, it will at the very least strengthen her core considerably.

Braelyn has been her typical self... Always on the go and often wanting to be in the middle of anything that Mom has going on. Today, that meant "helping" Mom fold the laundry. Apparently, it's a rather arduous task because Brae Bear seems to have tired out as her laundry duties concluded.

Braelyn does continue to be the best big sister she can. Whenever Gwendolyn had a rough go of things over the weekend, she was right there with her typical hug, kiss and pat on the head. It is interesting how Braelyn can immediately detect the difference between a Gwendolyn cry based in pain as opposed to a whine. As soon as Gwen starts to voice her displeasure as a result of something more serious than mere unhappiness that she isn't being held, Braelyn's immediately alerting us and waddling toward her sister.

That's about all for now. We'll try to get some photos of Gwen in the pool later this week to share with you all!


  1. What sweet girls! I'm so glad they each have each other for support when they feel crummy.

  2. I think I've posted before that it's funny my mother's name is Gwenda, but my mother in law's name is Marie!
    That's great that she gets to visit another SB kid and try their stuff on!
    They are sooo adorable!
