Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Our pleasant blog update of the day is that we got a call from the pediatrician's office. Remember that UTI they said on Monday Gwendolyn had? Well it turns out she doesn't have a UTI after all.

The reason the doctor was so sure during the office visit that Gwen was dealing with another UTI is because she detected "blood and puss" in Gwen's urine. However, when it was sent to the lab for a culture, it didn't grow a single thing. So, the prevailing thought now is that the blood was merely the result of using a catheter to get the urine sample in the first place.

Outside of the fact that she was a tad bit dehydrated, it turns out that Gwendolyn was just having a cranky weekend and may have just had a little bug that caused the fever. (And how many of us have had the same circumstance play out from time to time?)

If you couldn't tell already, that has left plenty of time for Braelyn and Gwendolyn to hit the books. Luckily, they still love to read (although I'm not sure if anyone can translate the baby gibberish that comes from Braelyn's lips while she "reads") be it on their own or with an assist from Mom and Dad.

All of this brings us to the most mysterious blog revelation of all... Maybe there is some good Castellano mojo out there after all.

In fact, this particular entry might set a year-and-a-half president for our blog. It is surely one of the few times (if not the only time) that Gwendolyn hasn't been ultimately diagnosed with the worst possible infliction during a doctor's visit. Maybe her luck is indeed changing for the better (feel free to join us in collectively knocking on wood).

Let the good times roll!!! (or as they say down in Cajun country, Laissez bons temps rouler!!!)


  1. Ah yes, the UTI that isn't a UTI!
    Been there. Unexplained fevers and thinking you know what is going on...
    I have learned ont to trust that first quick lab result, it will almost ALWAYS be positive. Then the culture grows nothing.
    We ended up on antibiotics in the winter for 10 days for a UTI that wasn't a UTI.
    Love the reading! So glad Gwendolyn didn't have the worst possible thing! And I'm knocking right with you!!

  2. So glad that her UTI wasn't a UTI!
