Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back at It... Again

Unfortunately, the school year has begun. So, the Castellano girl triumvirate of Mommy, Braelyn & Gwendolyn has been separated from their day-long summer adventures.

Actually, the worst outcome of the school year starting for the girls has become getting back into the morning routine. No longer can The Gwenner lounge around until she's ready to officially start her day. Nope, sleeping in is a thing of the past for her. Always an early riser, Braelyn is having to remember that a casual breakfast stretched out for 90 minutes is a thing of the past. She's back to eating at a more typical pace... With some prodding from Mom and Dad that is!

For her part, Mom continues to be a trooper.

She's up very early to get herself in order so that she can help the girls get ready to begin their day.

We can only imagine how crazy things will get when the girls actually start going to school themselves!

1 comment:

  1. They are so adorable! Glad you are getting back in the swing of things :)
