Monday, August 8, 2011

It's Video Sharing Monday!!

Happy Monday!! Sorry it's been awhile since we have posted. I'm busy getting ready to go back to work again. Blahhhhh..... I'm SO going to miss spending every day with my beautiful girls. I know how lucky I am to have the type of occupation that allows me these three months, but it's still very hard to get back into a routine that doesn't include spending all of my time with the girls. Dad has also been extremely busy with work lately so we haven't had much time to update our beloved blog!

There really isn't a whole lot to update which is always a good thing. :) Braelyn is still her little spunky self! She's getting a lot more vocal and says things and does things that make us laugh all the time. She's also getting to be quite the little care giver for her sister. She goes and gets her diapers and her wipes and lays down the diaper on the floor all ready to go. Then she will wrap her arms around Gwen and say "Up!". She tries her hardest to pick Gwen up to change her diaper. It's hilarious. She's also really starting to remember songs that we sing with her. She does this a lot when we are driving in the car so I decided to try and catch it on film. (Don't worry, Daddy is driving.) This video makes me laugh so hard I cry so I hope you enjoy it as well. I like to call this one:

And that brings me to The Gwenner. She is an amazing, amazing child. Have I mentioned how AMAZING she is? She has made so much progress this summer. It's hard to think back just 3 short months ago when we were working so hard to get Gwen mobile. She worked so hard getting the crawling thing down and now she totally has it!! She is quick too! She loves to crawl away really quick when she sees me coming at her with the comb and hair ties especially. (Not a big fan of getting her hair done.) ;) We also have started working with a type of walker called a gait trainer. She's slowly but surely getting the hang of that. But she has always really needed a lot of support with her upper body in order to take any steps. She still relies on some support but has gotten SO much more confident taking steps on her own. This is proof that our Gwenner is:
Getting So Much Stronger! (You can also see our amazing PT, Amelia in that video.)

Hope you all have a great week! We will definitely be taking advantage of every moment of our last week of vacation together!

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