Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer Fun!

It's been another busy and fun week for the girls and I! We've been busy doing all sorts of fun stuff. Here are just a few:

(Ok, these first two aren't really from this week, but I found them again on my phone and had to add them.) ;)

This was the picture I was talking about of Gwendolyn visiting her new school. I was so hesitant about her making this step into the school system, but every time I look at this picture I know we are doing the right thing. (And her sweet teacher even read our blog to learn about Gwendolyn and all she has been through. That means a LOT!)

This is Gwendolyn from my last day of school and her last day of daycare for the summer. I thought it was too cute not to post. Such a big girl!

This was an unusually cool morning so I decided to take the girls for a walk. They had a great time, but Mama needs to work out more! Those hills were killer! :) 

Gwen continues with her horse therapy and is  getting more and more comfortable. 

They are very nice to allow Braelyn to ride too. But here she is just cheering on her sister in the basketball game.

We've had quite a few days spent at the park. The swings are still their all-time favorite. There is usually a fit to be had when swinging time is done. 

This was a bit of arts and crafts we did yesterday. We made frogs on plates and put pasta inside so that it made fun noises. The girls had a good time with that. This was the first time I allowed them to do their own gluing. :)

Gwen got some glue on her finger. She was not a fan. 

Braelyn's finished product. 

Gwendolyn's finished product. 

Uncle Kyle and Aunt Susan were cleaning out some of their girls' old things so we "inherited" a lot of it. (much to Daddy's dismay) One of the items was this costume that my niece wore for Halloween when she was one. Braelyn is such a shrimp it fit her perfectly! And she wore it all morning until she finally came to me and said, "Mommmy, I sweaty!" Yeah....I wonder why. 

Different park, different day. :) 
Gwen is pretending to eat a wood chip. Little stinker. 

We went to story time at the library! See those two cuties listening intently right in front there?
Yeah...those cuties are mine. :)
I let the girls each pick out one book to take home. Guess what they chose? 

And we have read these two books before every nap time and every bed time for a week.
Time for another trip to the library!!


  1. One of my favorite posts! Great pictures. I can't believe how fast the girls are growing up! I love Gwen on the scooter :) Those two must have really super-duper parents...;)

  2. Oh my gosh they are just too cute!!! Love all the photos!

  3. Chuck and Heather:

    Your pictures show the FUN that you've been having these past weeks. Enjoy your summer with those two darling girls!

    Love, Liz and Mike
