Monday, June 28, 2010

More Photos... Less Words

So let’s be honest, the reason the majority of you are still “reading” the blog has very little to do with the writing… Wit and Witticism this ‘aint. Since we’ve once again been provided a reprieve from any serious medical jargon in this blog post, we thought we’d make this entry a little more of a photo entry. The only real “updates” is that Gwendolyn will now get physical therapy twice a week, once at the hospital and once at home. By adding a second hour to her routine, we hope to continue the momentum on her marvelous progress. Braelyn is still rolling all around the house… that girl really is a trip!!!

We aren't sure who enjoys bath time more now, Braelyn...

... or Gwendolyn. Now that's one tough call!

Braelyn also loves her some "activity disk" time!

Not to be outdone, Gwen decides to relax with a serious case of "bed head" and one of her favorite toys, the "rattle ball."

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