Monday, June 7, 2010

Not All Water is Created Equal?

Braelyn & Gwendolyn had their first experience with a summer pastime on Sunday and their reaction isn’t quite what Mom and Dad thought. You see, Braelyn has loved bath time from the moment she came home from the hospital. Even Gwendolyn, who used to give her best fake cry during her baths, now smiles and splashes around when her number’s called for a proper washing.

Yesterday, Uncle Kyle and Aunt Susan brought over this wacky sprinkler doohickey. It was one of those things that you hook up to the garden hose and let the kiddos run though to cool off as it shoots water in all directions. Not so shockingly, that’s exactly what the girls’ cousins did. Needless to say, Mom and Dad took a cue from their nieces and grabbed the twins so we could slap on their swimsuits. All the time we were thinking that this would make for a fun-filled experience for Brae Bear and the Gwenner as well.

Much to our surprise, the girls did not feel the same about this water experience as they do bath time. Shrieks of horror were heard as we tried to gently introduce them to the sprinkler. Oh well, if nothing else, we’ll have the opportunity to try again later this summer when the girls take to the Florida beach with Nana and Poppa.

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny! We have no exposed the girls to water outside of the bath yet but were thinking about trying it this weekend. I will keep you posted on how they do! ;)
    Heather, your hair is too cute!! We need to get the girls together some day when yall are not too busy. Just let me know what your schedule looks like. You can email me at school or call me 816-679-9254. Talk to you soon, and thank you so much for sharing!! :)
