Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Jinx-Free Entry (We Hope)

Why yes, we are slightly tardy in our mid-week blog entry. We were sure that the moment we posted another update saying we hadn’t heard the results from Gwendolyn’s sleep study yet, the phone would ring. Well, it’s Thursday and we still haven’t heard back so we decided to go ahead and post a new update anyway. Again, we can’t say for sure that no news is good news but at least until we hear otherwise, we can keep the faith that the results turned out okay. Besides, if it was a critical situation (like the previous pulmonologist felt the results from Gwen’s initial sleep study were) we would surely have received a worried call by now… Right?

Outside of the sleep study non-update, this blog entry includes a topic close to Dad’s heart… food!

Yesterday during her weekly in-home occupational therapy visit, Gwen had plain old baby food to eat. What’s the big deal you ask? It is the first time that she’s had something to eat that wasn’t pumped, thickened, frozen, chilled or somehow else altered since last October… That’s a pretty long time. She’s still only able to have it in small doses under the supervision of a nurse or O.T.. However, as they say, you have to crawl before you can walk. The O.T. listened to her lungs both before the feed and afterwards and all sounded just fine so it doesn’t look like she’s aspirating any of the food into her lungs thus far. As you can see above, Gwendolyn is a BIG fan of the eating her some baby food.


As for Braelyn, she asks that you overlook the sleep-filled eyes and bed-head in her photo… But she had a milestone herself during this morning’s breakfast. As you can see, Braelyn took the initiative and fed herself for the first time today. After her oatmeal-and-fruit cereal mixture was finished off, she grabbed her bottle and (with the help of a small “tummy time” pillow) propped it up to her mouth on her own. Ah yes, she’s already figuring out ways that she doesn’t need her parents anymore.

‘Aint that a surprise... NOT!!!

Well, we suppose that’s really all we have for now. Somehow, we’re already at the tail end of July. The school year and football season will be here before we know it and our lives will become even more chaotic… But we wouldn’t have it any other way!!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Gwenner! Looks like your old friend, Binky gets left by the wayside when there's real food involved. Poppa is a little jealous that your hair has grown enough for a ponytail! Bet your Dad is too!
    Not to be left behind, Braelyn you are doing a great job also on hand mouth coordination!
    Can't believe you girls were here only a few short weeks ago.
    We miss you for sure, Love, Nana & Poppa
