Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thanks Again!!!

We wanted to be sure and pass along our gratitude to everyone that took the time yesterday to keep Gwendolyn in their thoughts.

Just to update, Mom was told this morning at about 4:30 AM that they had logged the required six hours of data on Gwen. Because of that, they released Gwen from the clinic ahead of schedule. As they are instructed to do, those administering the test weren't able to offer us any indication of how Gwen did.

As we noted earlier, we don't anticipate getting the results back from the pulmonologist this week. However, you can be certain that once we do hear back, we'll obviously let everyone know.

Here's hoping that everything turns out better than that last sleep study did!


  1. sending thoughts and prayers that whenever you do get news, it will be good news!!!

  2. I'm really hoping that Gwen slept ok and that you get the results quickly to put your minds at ease. Enjoy your weekend, guys and can we get together sometime soon? We miss ya!

    Erin, Joe and Baby M.
