Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Last-Minute Prayer Request

We just received word that due to a cancellation, Gwendolyn’s makeup sleep study will be taking place this evening. We knew it would be sometime this summer (we had initially scheduled it for next month) but obviously we anticipated having a little more prep time for it.

With that in mind, we selfishly ask that you say a quick prayer for our little angel if you have the time. Needless to say, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

If the protocol from her initial study applies to this one, we don’t expect to hear back on the results quickly… That is unless she had a particularly disappointing evening (as she did the first time).

So, fingers crossed that Gwen has a peaceful sleep free of breathing interruptions tonight… And that we don’t hear back from the pulmonologist until next month saying that all checked out fine with little Gwendolyn Marie!!!

1 comment:

  1. Chuck and Heather:

    Sounds like your family had a great time in Florida. Enjoy reading the blog with updates of the girls. HA...our kids were always above average in height but..NO basketball scholarships for them either..they missed the athletic gene pool. Will keep everyone in my prayers.

