Monday, March 14, 2011

A Bunch of Bull

Our little Gwendolyn had quite an eventful weekend. Without getting into too much detail, Gwen has (and likely always will) have a G.I. Tract that’s in flux. Some days it’s smooth sailing and other days… well, not so much. Unfortunately, it is yet another side effect that tends to result from spina bifida.

In her research, Mom saw that some kiddos like Gwen actually got benefit from sitting on a training potty even if they were too young to fully grasp what’s going on. We aren’t sure exactly why (more than likely it has a lot to do with gravity) but it has seemed to help others like our Gwenner out. Since we are all about doing anything we can to assist her along her journey, we decided to give it a whirl. Surprisingly, Gwendolyn didn’t seem freaked out by sitting naked on a strange new apparatus with the whole family looking on... See:

In fact, we are pleased to report that Gwen has sat on her new potty twice and each time she has left a significant amount of potty and poopy in the pot. (Seriously, did we just reference potty and poopy in a blog entry!?!?!?) So, apparently it is helping Gwen thus far. Luckily for you, Dad was under strict orders by Mom not to show off all the gory details, so you’ll all have to use your imagination on the aftermath of Gwendolyn’s initial potty training extravaganza.

As for Braelyn, she’s not quite sure what to make of our family’s new addition. In fact, she can’t figure out exactly how to use this new “toy.” Hopefully for her, we’ll be able to get Gwen’s little "packages" out of there before her sister saunters up to the potty again. As you can see, Brae Bear obviously hasn’t quite grasped which way to sit on it and, maybe more importantly, where not to put one’s feet when trying to “mount” it.

Ah, the joys of parenthood!!!


  1. Those pics are so cute and especially that first one of Gwen. It looks like she's saying...." what?" I can't believe that is possible but I'm glad that she's able to step up to the challenge. It's pretty impressive, that's for sure!

    Tons o' fun at the Castellano crib!

  2. I love how poop is an obsession as soon as we become parents (especially SB parents). Who knew poo could be so fascinating?

  3. your girls prove you can be adorable even sitting on the potty. Ok well at least they can, ha,ha!!!

  4. Ha ha, so cute! Glad she loves her new "throne"

  5. Love this!!! Gwen is so good about trying new things!! Way to go, Gwenner!
