Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Pair of Smooth Criminals

We’ve touched recently on Braelyn’s increasing finicky eating habits. However, Dad foolishly started to think that his oldest had begun to turn a corner or sorts. For the last few mornings, this was the sight that he typically encounters during breakfast:

As you can see, all looks quiet and peaceful as the girls are enjoying their meal. Happily, Braelyn seems to be nearly finished with all of her food.

Well, unfortunately Braelyn’s become quite the sly individual. Dad began to notice in the reflection of the microwave that Braelyn kept reaching over to Gwendolyn’s tray every time his back was turned. So, at one point he quickly turned around and captured this “drop” transpiring:

Yep, Gwendolyn’s quickly shoveling in the evidence as Braelyn unloads her unwanted scraps onto her sister’s tray.

It looks like these two have been in cahoots with the old food switch-a-roo for so long that they’ve perfected when to make the exchange and when to play it cool.

Oh boy, at least they work well together... What else can you say about those Castellano girls!?!?!?


  1. They are just too smart! And way too cute :)!

  2. The only other thing I can say about those Castellano girls is, they are definately a chip off the old "Daddy" block! I do sympathize though because you have double trouble. Oh well, sorry Heather but they are a lot like their Dad only cuter ;-)!
