Friday's trip to the hospital for Gwen's check-up scans came and went without much drama. In actuality, the biggest issue we had that day was getting stuck in a construction zone that caused us to arrive at the hospital with Gwendolyn in tardy fashion. (Unless you ask Mom that is... Apparently Dad was getting his snore on in the waiting room which was echoing throughout the place... But Dad has no recollection of this transpiring whatsoever so he thinks she just imagined the whole thing!)
Still, Gwen came through her MRI in sterling fashion. Last time Gwen came off her anesthesia, she more resembled a "happy drunk" as she kept smiling and giggling. This time around, she was just plain drunk. When Mom and Dad were ushered into the recovery room, there sat The Gwenner with a blank look on her face as her body shifted to and fro. According to the nurse, one of the more humorous moments took place just before we arrived, as Gwen reached for her binky and, with her motor-skills impeded, proceeded to place it in her ear as opposed to her mouth.We have an appointment this Wednesday to get the results of the MRI. Technology is a fickle thing sometimes. We have all these amazing advances that have allowed Gwendolyn to progress at an amazing rate but it still takes five days to look over an MRI of the head and spinal column before we can tell you how everything looks.
Braelyn got some TLC time with Grandma McKee while her sister was getting the once-over at the hospital last week. Of late, Brae Bear's routine when she wakes in the morning is to immediately motion to her sister's crib so she can give her a good morning kiss and hug. We had to leave for the hospital so early last week that we were long gone before Braelyn woke up that morning. Apparently Grandma reported that there was a moment of part panic, part confusion when Braelyn got up and sister was no where to be found.At least we know deep down she loves her sister... We'll try to remind Gwendolyn of that fact the next time Braelyn swipes a toy she's intently playing with!
Okay, we'll be back in a few days with an update from the Neurologist. Until then.
I'm glad the tests went so well. The girls are so cut eand that's sweet that Braelyn missed her so much!