Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bottles and Pigskins Don't Mix!!!

I submit the following photographic evidence as proof that men should get a pass when it comes to administering a bottle to their children on Sundays:

Gwen and I shortly after a feeding I gave her BEFORE the start of NFL games today. Note that nothing seems out of the ordinary here.

The Peanut and I shortly after a feeding I gave her DURING an NFL game today. Note that nothing seems ordinary here period... now that's one heck of a milk mustache for you!

Mothers heed my warning... friends don't let fathers feed their kids (or do anything else of substance for that matter) during football games. Of course, it could have been worse... can you imagine the carnage I would have inflicted on poor Braelyn had the Mets actually made the playoffs this year?!?!?! (I know, that won't happen for quite some time given their present situation... but I can dream I suppose.)

And yeah, I guess you could say that photo comparison was just too funny NOT to post. ;)

Sorry Braelyn... I'm sure you'll cringe at the sight of that photo in a couple of decades! Just remember that believe it or not, daddy loves you!


  1. Trust me...they will love the photos and they will want to hear the baby stories over and over when they're grown. Those little girls are precious.

    Thanks for sharing...Michele

  2. Don't worry...the game made me want to spit up as well....

  3. I'm with Howie on this one (why does that seem to be happening so much lately?)...
    P.S. Too cute! :) Love you all.
