Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Week That Was

Here we go... one week into my new format and I'm actually getting this update in on Saturday... not too bad!

Where should I start... well, how about with the girls health? We had a pediatrician visit with Braelyn to start the week. Our "little" daughter has already shot up to five pounds, five ounces. At this rate, she'll catch her sister in no time. Even though the visit was specific to Braelyn, the pediatrician also weighed Gwen. She's at a robust (compared to her sister that is) six pounds, eleven ounces. Everything else checked out great with Braelyn so now we can hopefully synchronize these visits with each girl moving forward.

As for Gwendolyn, she had a followup visit with the plastic surgeon. Luckily, her back incision is healing quite well. She's under no restrictions now for the length of time she can be on her back. No follow visit with plastics will be needed and she only requires the application of normal skin lotion to help even out the marks from the stitches.

Gwen is still having a frequent gaging reflex when she feeds and sometimes breathes. As a result, we've got a visit the end of next week back at Children's Mercy Hospital. At that one they'll observe her eating to see the extent of the chocking. Hopefully it's nothing worse than a bad case of reflux. In an absolute worst-case scenario, she could need another surgery to fix the problem but we remain cautiously optimistic that it won't be anything THAT serious. (fingers crossed)

Outside of the doctor's visits, the girls are doing well. Gwen has begun to prove herself a little more independent than her sister. I do think that Braelyn would be held constantly if she had it her way. Her two-minute younger sister has her moments of clinging but she is also good with alone time in her swing or vibrating chair from time-to-time... which is a nice reprieve.

Now THIS is the only thing better than having a beer for each hand! ;)

The weather was so nice this weekend that Heather and I ventured around the block with the girls in their stroller this afternoon. They were pretty wide-eyed and very observant the whole time. I think they started to believe that the "world" began and ended with our living room so it was nice to get them out of our house for a moment.

We also had our newborn photos taken this week... we decided to wait until Braelyn and Gwen were both out of the hospital until we scheduled them. So maybe next week we'll have some "professional" photos to share. In fact, being the proud parent that I am, I'll probably post the best of them as soon as we get them back from the photographer. Who knows, maybe next week will be a two-for-one entry on the site if I get them in enough time.

Well, that's all for now. Hope you and yours are doing well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to next weeks info. and possible pictures. Give everyone a hug...especially Grannie Eileen!!!! Love, Susan Gillett
