Friday, November 6, 2009

Finally, a REAL Plan's in Place

Well, lately things here have really resembled a Duncan yo-yo. Heck, in the last 24 hours we went from maybe being discharged today, to prehaps getting transferred to the ICU because of some concerning overnight blood draws, back to probably being discharged today, and finally we were given a new plan… one that I touched on yesterday. If all goes well this weekend following a new medication Gwen’s been placed on, then she’ll have jaw surgery first-thing Tuesday morning.

Aside from the picture above being adorable, it really does demonstrate Gwendolyn’s lower jaw recession. If you look, you can tell how the middle of her bottom lip is almost indented as it darts inward to meet her lower jaw. The hope is that an elongated jaw will increase Gwen’s airflow and make her feedings more of an ease. The screws are in a little different placement than I initially thought (they are between the back of her temples and her ears, kind of like little antennas) but the concept of what I mentioned yesterday is the same.

Unfortunately, last night Gwen had a relapse of high CO2 levels in her blood. She’s been put on a medication that should help level them off in the short-term. On Monday, they will retest her blood. If the levels haven’t gone down as much as they need to, the surgery will unfortunately be postponed and she’ll have to be put on a special machine that should ensure her lungs are getting the proper mixture. Only once that happens and the anesthesiologist feels comfortable preparing her for the surgery will she be allowed to have it… meaning a possible delay of a week or more.

As for the sleep study, it’s still going to happen but the plastic surgeon is no longer concerned about any ramifications altering his decision to operate. Still, they would like to see the results.

So, fingers crossed that the weekend goes well and that come Monday all tests are clear.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful baby. Can't wait to give her a squeeze, I know that day is coming soon! :)
    Love you all -
