Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Salutations

Firstly, my apologies for not including the above photo of Grandma McKee's hospital visit with Gwendolyn in yesterday's entry. Since I was at home with the Peanut at that time, I didn't even realize Heather snapped it until after yesterday's blog posted. Still, she sure deserves top billing for an entry or two... if not for her help watching Braelyn so Heather and I can both be at the hospital at the same time certain days, I don't know what we'd do! Besides, posting her photo a day late at least saves you all from having consecutive entries without a photo to accompany it.

As for today's activities, we got some preliminary good news. They took a set of blood and urine tests this afternoon just to be sure that the new medication was working correctly. If not, they would try some different treatment overnight in hopes of still being able to salvage the availability of Tuesday's surgery. Gwen's results from today's tests came back very positive. Her CO2 levels were smack dab in the normal range and the Ph balance of her urine showed a decrease in acidity (meaning she had less CO2 that her kidneys were trying to eliminate from the blood stream).

They'll take another set tomorrow at Noon. If the progress continues, then Tuesday morning Gwen will be in line to have her jaw surgery nice and early in the morning.

Other than that, the next-best news today is that we again have no new drama to report... it's kind of nice to have back-to-back days like that.

Hopefully that trend will continue on Monday!!!


  1. What a crazy few weeks you all have had! Gwen is an amazing little girl with two of the absolute best parents ever! Both Gwen and Braelyn are lucky to have you and you to have them. I pray, pray and pray that Gwen is scheduled for her surgery tomorrow and that it is extremely successful! Stay tough little Gwen!!! I can't imagine how you both have been so strong but you are a true inspiration!

    We love you guys and as always....we are here for you in anyway possible!

    Erin and Joe

  2. We will just keep on praying for your family as you experience this roller coaster ride with little Gwen. Thanks for sharing your journey with those of us who love you so very much.
    You are loved -
    Steph, Rance, Cooper, Sam...
