Friday, November 20, 2009

A Strange Change of Scenery

Well, in terms of updates on the health of Gwendolyn or Braelyn I have none. There really isn't any change there at all... each is doing as well as they were yesterday which is a true blessing.

To prove that point, the NICU had an unexpected influx of kiddos come in today. So, they needed more bed space than expected. As a result, the healthiest kids had to be moved out of the NICU pods to make way for the new nursery kids whom are much less stable. And, as fate would have it, Gwen was one of those bumped. There was only one problem... the hospital didn't have an open spot on the regular "floor" wing (the area we were initially placed during this portion of the "Great Gwendolyn Hospital Stay Saga.").

So, Gwen and two of her more healthy nursery mates were moved into transition rooms. These are typically the rooms that families "test drive" having their kids home the night before discharge. Only one problem there... these are also rooms where parents tend to spend the evening right along side with their kids but due to the fact we found out about this transfer toward the end of the day, we weren't able to make the proper arrangements and stay with Gwen. Add to the confusion that the monitor alarms for things like respiratory and heart rate don't normally ring outside the room because a parent or two are typically there to alert a nurse when there is an issue. So, all three rooms had to get their doors propped open and a special nurse had to be placed in the hallway to ensure Gwen and the other two kids had proper supervision should an issue with their vitals arise.

So, Gwen's spending the night flying solo tonight in a transition room. The hope is that Gwen will be transferred to a more traditional hospital room like she had before her surgery shorty.

Other than our little spot of displacement, all is going great in our world. So again, hopefully we'll get Gwen in some more permanent digs shortly... and hopefully we'll get more notice so we can plan on spending more time with her once that transition takes place. The only thing I know for sure is that these transition rooms aren't suitable for "extended stays" so Gwen won't be there very long before getting her own "real" room.

Talk to you soon.

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