Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The No Update Update

Well, I'm sorry if you all thought I took a sabbatical from the blog. We just haven't had news to pass along of late. Honestly, we continue to just wait for Gwendolyn's jaw to finish its extraction so we can move forward with the swallow study. As the nurse practitioner said yesterday, we're really just "hanging lose" with them until then. The good news is that Gwen continues to do well as she heals up.

So honestly, I've got nothing in terms of an update. The biggest news out of CMH is that they did get space over the weekend to move Gwen back to a pod in the nursery so we're out of the transition room again.

Other than that, things at home are still busy. Braelyn's doing well. Heather's done a great job of juggling her mothering duties at home and at the hospital... and I'm still trying to figure out how we've made it to Thanksgiving Week already. It'll be sad that Gwen won't be at the table with us on Thursday but we know she'll be back home soon enough.

Well, I'll leave you with a photo of Gwen (top) and Braelyn (bottom). Barelyn's wide-eye looks continue to make me laugh out loud. I think that she needs to go as an owl next Halloween!


Anyway, I hope I'll have a good update in the short term on Gwen's health. Talk to you all soon!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of both little cuties. You all continue to be in our prayers, every day. This week we will give thanks especially for these precious babies!
    Love you all -
    Steph and Rance
