Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A New Hurdel for Little Gwendolyn

Well, Gwendolyn completed her latest surgery last night... that's her fourth one before she turns three-months old for those of you counting.

They successfully removed the old jaw extension devices and installed new ones that have a maximum increase of 15 millimeters (as opposed to the 20-millimeter device that was initially installed last month). The thought is two-fold... First, she's already been distracted (20 millimeters on one side and 13 on the side where the bracket shattered) so they shouldn't need as much length as the last time. Also, a 15-millimeter device obviously has less tension in it when it is extended to its maximum length. Ergo, if the device failed the first time because there was just too much torque on the device for Gwen's jaw size, this will hopefully eliminate that.

They will begin by extending the jaw on each side at equal levels but will eventually ensure that it is aligned at an equal length before the extension has reached its climax.

Gwen is still on a breathing tube. The doctor wanted to keep her on it for a couple of days since she has so much swelling around her cheeks and jaw. They obviously want to be sure her mouth is clear enough to be able to take normal breathes. Still, they are optimistic that she'll be fine when they try to take the tube out in a couple of days based on her current levels.

Unfortunately, Gwen lost more blood than initially expected. We just received a call that her hemoglobin levels are very low and so she's going to require a transfusion. We've been close to needing one in the past but we were always were lucky enough to dodge that bullet. It looks like our luck on that front has finally run out. While they screen the blood in advance, we obviously wish we didn't need to have Gwen undergo yet another process. Still, this should ultimately assist with her healing.

So, we ask for your continued prayers that Gwen heals up and that the transfusion process (which will last about three hours today) goes well.

Thanks again so much for your well-wishes… we need them now more than ever!


  1. Gwen is at the beginning, middle and end of every one of my prayers...every day. Today is the first day on the road that leads back HOME with you both and Braelyn. Love you guys so, so much - you are in our constant thoughts and prayers -
    Steph and Rance

  2. We hope and pray with you that this is the final procedure that Gwen will have to endure and that she will be home with you soon. You all are overdue for all the peace and joy that your babies will bring.
    Jan & Tim

  3. Your family constantly remains in my prayers. God sure picked the right couple to have such precious babies! You both are so strong and that is where Gwen gets her strength.

  4. You guys are most certainly in my thoughts and prayers. Years from now you will look back at this time and know that it gave you a special closeness even though it seems hard and unfair at times. Christmas is a time for family and friends to be together either physically or spiritually. You have years ahead to spend having Christmas dinner and singing carols around the tree! Gwen will be home soon, I'm sure. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Mary Lee Brawley

  5. Heather and Chuck, Our prayers are with you every day as you continue to hope and wait for Gwen's return home. We wish all the best for you and your little girls. Can't wait to meet them in January!
    Gail & Tim

  6. As always, continued prayers for little Gwendolyn for a quick recovery and for strength for you guys! You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Keep doing what you are doing. Those two little girls are so blessed to have such amazingly positive parents. Hugs to Braelyn and Gwendolyn. Love--Brad, Tracy and boys

  7. Gwen and your family are in my prayers. We are having to do transfusions on our baby in-utero so we somewhat know what you are going through on that side. I am so sorry that you guys are having to go through this but you have quite a tough little cookie there! Always in my thoughts and prayers!
