Friday, December 18, 2009

Our Friday Frets

Well, we still don’t have a lot to update you on.

Gwendolyn was moved to back to the NICU Nursery yesterday. This was done more because they are able to give her specialized attention. Additionally, by moving her back to the nursery they are able to put her on a humidified mix of room air. They are now hoping that her issues break down to the breathing tube used during her last procedure irritating her throat and the dry air this time of year not really allowing it to heal in a timely manner. Obviously, the humidified air would accelerate the healing process if that’s the problem.

We’ll have to see if it helps. For what it’s worth, Gwen did sound a little better yesterday.

Her discharge target date is still really up in the air so unfortunately we don’t have anything solid on that front to share yet.

That’s all for now.

1 comment:

  1. H,I love this picture of you and Gwen! Looks like she's all dressed and ready to go home! I know the way red has been on top of the staff at CMH they will be only too happy not to have to keep Gwen during the holidays! We'll keep hoping and praying.
    See you soon, Love, Momma C
